Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority
Project Name
Frey Farm Landfill – Parcels 4 & 5
Manor Township, Lancaster County, PA
Dave Wilhelm (717) 397-9968
Start Date
February 2011
Completion Date
Summer 2012
Construction Costs
The Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (LCSWMA) awarded Abel Construction the Frey Farm Landfill – Parcels 4 & 5 contract to generate a stockpile of approximately 1,000,000 CY of soil for future use by the Landfill. The 86-acre project includes the following items of work: installation of erosion and sedimentation control measures, demolition of existing facilities, construction and maintenance of haul roads, excavation and transportation of borrow soil, well monitoring installation, and restoration, revegetation and stabilization. In addition, the construction of six (6) new PPL tower pads and the access roads to those pads were included in our scope of work. To date, the value engineering provided by Abel Construction’s project management has accounted for substantial savings to LCSWMA.